

Waterworks IV and V,  - Modern Shapes Gallery 2021, photo Rob Bohle

Waterworks IV and V, - Modern Shapes Gallery 2021, photo Rob Bohle

Waterwork photo Modern Shapes Gallery, photo Michael Francken

Waterwork photo Modern Shapes Gallery, photo Michael Francken

Waterwork I - Loewe Craft Prize 2018- photo Rob Bohle - Private Collection

Waterwork I  Design Museum London - private collector

Waterwork I
Design Museum London - private collector

DML Loewe Craft Prize

Waterwork IV,  Galerie du Don Private Collection

Waterwork IV, Galerie du Don Private Collection

Waterworks, Le Don du Fel

Waterworks, Le Don du Fel

Loewe Craft Prize 2018 - photo Kato Tan

Waterwork II and III, Bumpus and Red Life II Museum Ariana Geneva - curator Monique Deul Taste Contemporary.

Waterwork II and III, Bumpus and Red Life II
Museum Ariana Geneva - curator Monique Deul Taste Contemporary.

Saving the Day - Private collector

Saving the Day - Private collector

Interior - Waterwork

Interior - Waterwork